What I've done?


PfpFinder Logo
Movie Recommendation System

streamlit | supervised learning | python | sklearn

It utilizes a REST API to interact with the model, allowing users to input a movie name and receive personalized movie recommendations based on the provided input

BikeKart Template Logo
Machine Learning for Car Valuation

Python | Machine Learning | streamlit

The Car Price Prediction Web Application that predicts the price of cars based on various features such as car model, company, manufacturing year, kilometers driven, and fuel type.

BikeKart Template Logo
Background Removal

Gradio | Python

This project provides a simple web interface for removing the background from images using the Rembg library and Gradio. Upload an image using the provided interface and see the background removed version.

BikeKart Template Logo
Restaurant Analysis

Python | Data Analysis

Data-driven exploration, we aim to unravel fascinating insights within the dynamic realm of restaurant data.

BikeKart Template Logo
Weather Information App

streamlit | python |

This project provides real-time weather updates for any location worldwide.

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